Сергей Прохоров писал(а):
Представленные материалы мне не показались до конца убедительными.
Пейзажи, на которые сделаны ссылки, похожи, но сказать с полной уверенностью, что это то самое место, по-моему, трудновато.
Домик на открытке очень похож (хотя и не срвпадает во всех деталях), но его окружение - совсем другое. Где на открытке озеро? (Конечно, вполне возможно, что в Пункахарью было построено несколько однотипных домиков - но это все-таки домыслы.)
По этим данным возможна в лучшем случае идентификация "с большой степенью вероятности".
Может быть, есть еще какие-то данные, о которых не сказано? Зная Славу, могу предположить, что так оно и есть. Но пока он не выложил все данные, я не могу согласиться с такой идентификацией.
Dear Сергей,
You are absolutely right, the evidence disclosed so far is incomplete. I sincerely hope, that all misunderstandings will be resolved, scission stops and Слава will rejoin some day, making all neccessay clarifications himself. Meanwhile I can share few bits, available to me.
In order to erase all doubt related to this particular Punkaharju identification, I quote a message to Слава from Leena Paaskoski, Collections Manager of the Lusto, Finnish Forest Museum, located in Punkaharju.
> Thank you for your very interesting email. It seemed at once that the picture with
> two buildings could have been taken in Punkaharju. Now we even found evidence for it.
> The building's architectural details remind quite a lot another building nearby, namely a
> forester's cottage near the Punkaharju State Hotel. This forester's cottage was moved
> to the eskar area from the Laukansaari village nearby in 1884 when it also got its
> architectural details (see
77_I.K.jpg, and look at the roof, for example).
> We also found two other interesting photographs in our museum archive. The other one
> was taken in the beginning of the 20th century (the exact year is unknown) by a local
> photographer A. Sihvonen. The view is exactly the same even if no buildings can be
> seen in the picture (see
sihvonen_punk_ranta.jpg). But, in another photograph of
> A. Sihvonen, you can even see the same buildings (a sauna and a storehouse, perhaps?)
> behind the trees. This picture helped us to identify the place (see
sihvonen_rantasauna.jpg and a detail in
sihvonen_rantasauna_osa_copy.jpg. It is just
> below the Punkaharju State Hotel (see
1914_kartta_osa_copy.jpg, a map and the round
> detail in it, a little road straight from the hotel to two buildings just by the lake).
> Unfortunately, these buildings do not exist anymore. In the last photograph taken two
> days ago by Lusto's photographer Timo Kilpeläinen, you can see the same view today
> with boats, anyhow! (see
_V1M8984.jpg) They seem to lie in about the same place as
> the wooden rowing boats hundred years ago.